
Listen Back To Radcliffe and Maconie's BBC 6 Music Show To Hear The Exclusive Play of 'Bad As Me'

51-v1AbOBnL._SL500_AA300_Yesterday afternoon gave us a 2nd helping helping of world exclusives from Tom's 'Spirit In The Room', when Radcliffe and Maconie played 'Bad As Me' on their BBC 6 Music show.You can listen back via the BBC iplayer and hear the track at 1:40:50! Let us know what you think!

Listen Back to Zoe Balls Radio 2 Show To Hear The Exclusive Play of 'Hit Or Miss'

51-v1AbOBnL._SL500_AA300_This morning on BBC Radio 2, Zoe Ball (filling in for Ken Bruce) gave the first exclusive play of 'Hit Or Miss' from Tom's new album 'Spirit In The Room'.You can listen back to the show via the BBC iplayer and pay particular attention to 0:39:30 minutes!