BBC Radio 2

BBC Radio 2 Live In Hyde Park

51-v1AbOBnL._SL500_AA300_For anyone who wasn't lucky enough to see Tom in Hyde Park on Sunday, you can watch the entire set here!

Listen Back to Zoe Balls Radio 2 Show To Hear The Exclusive Play of 'Hit Or Miss'

51-v1AbOBnL._SL500_AA300_This morning on BBC Radio 2, Zoe Ball (filling in for Ken Bruce) gave the first exclusive play of 'Hit Or Miss' from Tom's new album 'Spirit In The Room'.You can listen back to the show via the BBC iplayer and pay particular attention to 0:39:30 minutes!

TV/Radio Appearances This Week

51-v1AbOBnL._SL500_AA300_Tom will be appearing on BBC1's The One Show this Thursday at 7pm with Danny O'Donnahue; and on Chris Evans BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show on Friday morning from 6.30am.He might also make a surprise appearance on BBC's Sport Relief on Friday to give them some extra support and then The Voice premieres on Saturday night at 7pm! I hope everyone can tune in, it's going to be great!