Chris Evans

TV/Radio Appearances This Week

51-v1AbOBnL._SL500_AA300_Tom will be appearing on BBC1's The One Show this Thursday at 7pm with Danny O'Donnahue; and on Chris Evans BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show on Friday morning from 6.30am.He might also make a surprise appearance on BBC's Sport Relief on Friday to give them some extra support and then The Voice premieres on Saturday night at 7pm! I hope everyone can tune in, it's going to be great!

Listen to Tom on The Chris Evans Breakfast Show on BBC Radio 2

Listen to Tom co-host the Chris Evans Breakfast Show on BBC Radio 2 last Friday.Tom judges Chris' Head-to-Headlines, chose some music and was the subject of the shows Top Tenuous. Unfortunately this is only available to residents of the UK as it is via the BBC iPlayer. We are trying to fix this and access a clip for worldwide use, so please bear with us!