There was only ever one embarrassing feature of Tom Jones on the panel of The Voice: the times when the judges sang and the international superstar showed them up for being the inferior artists they undoubtedly are.
One can only hope that the people who made the ludicrous decision to drop him were squirming in their seats every time the great Welshman opened his mouth during One Big Night for Children In Need.
Hosted by comedian and actor Rob Brydon, this was a 90-minute treat of sublime vocal talent and sharp wit – a bit like The X Factor used to be before it tore out its own innards.

The entertainment was interspersed with moving films of children who have suffered a rough deal in life, and we were encouraged to donate.
It was the double act of Jones and Brydon that left the most lasting impression, though.
It’s not the first time they have paired up.
Check out their head to head for the promotion of Jones’s album, Spirit In The Room; it’s eye wateringly funny.
It wasn’t just the obviousness of Jones’s talent as a solo artist that thrilled; a montage of duets with many artists was another reminder of the insanity of his departure from The Voice.
Brydon also joined him in a few, and their rendition of Smile was one of the best deliveries of my favourite song I have ever heard. Brydon can really sing, by the way, and was never less than riveting the whole night.
A film of children passing judgment on Jones’s appearance and dance movements of yesteryear was delightful.
One thought he was like Elvis; another identified him as Simon Cowell. A few thought he looked like Michael Jackson. ‘I think he likes the girls,’ said one lad.
At the top of the show, a sketch set in a Job Centre saw Brydon dealing with the latest CV to land on his desk – ‘a 75 year old male just made redundant.’
Towards the end, when Jones delivered the most breathtakingly beautiful rendition of What Good Am I?, it was obvious – as if anyone needed reminding – that he is far from redundant in an industry that needs a talent like his more than ever.